Saturday, February 28, 2015
Friday, February 27, 2015
Craziest Bacon Products Of All Time "Honorable Mention"
Bacon Condoms
Bacon Anal Lube
Bacon Shampoo & Conditioner
Bacon Dress
Bacon Mask
Bacon Soda
Bacon Bikini/Underwear
Bacon Nails
Top 10 Craziest Bacon Products Of All Time
10. Roses
9. Soap
8. Cologne
7. Hamburger With 1,050 Pieces Of Bacon
6. Weave Taco
4. Lip Balm
3. Coffin
2. Air
1. Lube
Some guys try to let a lady know how they feel by presenting her with a bouquet of roses. It’s a fairly unoriginal, but still quite sweet, gesture of affection. But there must be a way to take that gift to the next level, right? Of course there is, and it obviously involves bacon. Introducing bacon roses! It’s exactly what it sounds like: bacon that has been twisted and manipulated to resemble roses. Who wouldn’t love to receive that gift? Unfortunately, we haven’t found a florist who actually sells these, but there are instructions on the web that self-starters with plenty of free time should find pretty easy. Maybe one of you reading this will be the first to start selling them. Come on, do it. Most new businesses fail anyways, so what have you got to lose?
9. Soap
It’s a tough world out there, and some of us work hard and get sweaty on the job. Even those of us who don’t start to stink after long enough. Unfortunately, because of prissy modern society’s prissy norms, this means we have to bathe every once in awhile. The quickest way to do this is via the shower using bar soap. There are varying scented soaps to choose from, and naturally one of them is bacon. While the soap itself isn’t made of bacon (amateurs), it has the smell of it, and by using it, you too will smell like bacon. And if that’s what you want to smell like (or more accurately, if that’s what the hot guys and girls want you to smell like), then go for it. We do have to complain about the website’s advertising though. One of its claims is that this soap not only smells like bacon, it looks like it too. Take a look at that picture above. Now picture fresh strips of bacon frying on the grill. Do the two of them look anything alike? Nope, didn’t think so. Also, get your hand out of your pants already, it’s just bacon.
8. Cologne
Everyone wants to smell their best, right? But one of God’s greatest practical jokes was to give us sweat glands that make us smell like garbage if we don’t do anything about it. And so we have soap, as we just mentioned. Some take it further however, because oftentimes soap alone doesn’t get the job done. They wear perfume or cologne, a fancy name for man perfume. Naturally, a company decided a great untapped market for cologne is guys who want to use it to smell like bacon. Of course, what would a vaguely foreign cologne (the o in bacon has a line above it, which is both nifty and sophisticated) be without a little pretension? Apparently, the smell is more spicy maple, with just the slightest bacon-y hint mixed in. Oh goody, a scented scavenger hunt.
7. Hamburger With 1,050 Pieces Of Bacon
In the past, we’ve dissected the many awful ways bacon is dominating foodstuffs. As it turns out, there were way more than we imagined. It’s pretty common to put a few pieces of bacon on a hamburger, right? Yeah, Japan has decided three to five strips of bacon is for babies, because their Burger King decided to offer customers a special option. Very special indeed; if you’ve got the right amount of Yen, you can add as much bacon as you want. Well, someone realized that BK never imposed a limit, and so they ordered a burger with 1,050 strips of bacon. Added all up, it cost him 7,000 Yen, or about 87 bucks. Sadly, those pigs died in vain, as the customer tried and failed to eat it.
6. Weave Taco
Taco Bell went crazy recently, by coming out with a taco shell that tastes like Doritos. Muy loco, but also muy profitable, so ultimately muy inteligente. But that’s nothing compared to what some loyal bacon fan did. If you’ve seen the epicmealtime series on Youtube, then perhaps you’ve seen the bacon weave technique. Well, someone took that and weaved a taco shell together, creating a bacon weave taco. It ends up looking like kind of a quilt on the outside, but it tastes like bacon, as you might expect. Admittedly, this isn’t really so weird like the other entries, just kinda pointless. Delicious, but pointless.5. Toothcare
OK, that’s enough food for now. After you’ve eaten your giant bacon pile burger and washed it down with your bacon weave taco, you might use a toothpick, brush your teeth, eat a mint, or a bevy of other things your dentist lectures you about doing every day like he wants you to develop OCD or something. Luckily for you, there are now bacon-flavored toothpicks, toothpaste, and mints. Because the very best way to cleanse your mouth of the smell of grease, is to put more stuff in it that smells like grease. And talk about counter-productive; you’re not supposed to swallow this stuff, but if you’re this far down the Bacon Trail, you’ll absolutely want to. Don’t; the hospital will not take pity on you.
4. Lip Balm
Everybody hates chapped lips, right? But most chapsticks are annoyingly tasteless. Who wants to rub cream on their lips if there isn’t any flavor? Only Nazis, Communists, and Mets fans, that’s who. Luckily, there is a solution: bacon-flavored lip balm, because of course it exists. Now, this product can be as dangerous as all the toothcare stuff above, so we’re warning you now: do not bite your lips. As much as you may be tempted you, don’t do it. They’re the only lips you got. Instead, we recommend you get some regular old strips of bacon to chew on while the balm flavor is still there. True, you may have to eat a lot more bacon than you would otherwise. On the other hand, we’re welcome.
3. Coffin
OK, this one isn’t actually made out of bacon. Science hasn’t yet learned the effect of wrapping a corpse in bacon, because they’re too lazy changing the world and stuff to focus on what’s truly important. However, if your love of bacon is truly a matter of life and death, maybe consider being buried in a bacon-themed coffin. Themed coffins are a burgeoning industry, and bacon seems like a good way to go. Is it as cool as the Star Trek coffin, or maybe the Kiss Koffin? Well, that depends on where your priorities lie. As the company who sells it says, this product is only for those who love bacon to death. If that’s you, then go crazy.
2. Air
Does the oxygen you breathe taste a little bit too, well, airy? Does it lack flavor? Well, pork to the rescue again, as you can actually suck bacon-flavored air out of an oxygen inhaler. That way, you get the life-sustaining goodness of pure oxygen, with a lovely bacon scent that you could only previously get by actually cooking bacon, which sadly takes effort. No, it’s far easier, and therefore better, to just breathe in the bacon. At least you could, until the product went out of stock. Maybe Planet Spaceball bought up all their inventory. Fret not though, as you can still put your name on the waiting list, and get some when they make more. There’s no word on when that’ll happen though, so don’t hold your breath
1. Lube
Well, we’re done. Humanity has peaked. We have reached the ultimate expression of one’s love for bacon. As it turns out, George Costanza had it right all along: why not combine lovemaking and love of food? And so begets bacon lube, which gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “porking.” It’s so ridiculous that it sounds like an elaborate hoax, or an April Fool’s Joke. Well, that’s probably because it was, in the beginning at least. A company put up an ad for Bacon Lube on April 1st as a joke, never intending for it to be a real product. But people emailed them so many times requesting it, that they began to actually make and sell the product stuff. We’ll let you draw your own conclusions about what this means for society. We’ll also let you try it out and let us know whether or not it works. Don’t worry; we trust you.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Top 10 Over-The-Counter Drugs That Will Get You Higher Than Marijuana
10. Diethyl Ether
Diethyl Ether, more commonly just called Ether, is mainly used medically, as an anesthetic. However, it also has a long history of recreational use. In the late nineteenth century, it was used regularly in Ireland, Russia, France, Norway, the United States and elsewhere. The effect of ether was similar to alcohol, but it was cheaper, and allowed someone to sober up quicker, making it popular among those who didn’t have much money. Ether is highly flammable however, and can be quite dangerous; it should be treated with great care. While Diethyl Ether is not illegal in the United States, and is fairly easy to obtain if you put in the effort, some suppliers are careful who they sell it to, mainly selling to universities or laboratories. The reason for this is because the drug is often used to assist in the creation of several illegal drugs, such as LSD.9. Dextromethorphan (Robitussin)
Codeine was originally the main active ingredient used for suppressing coughs; however, Codeine is a powerfully addictive substance. Dextromethorpan, more commonly known as DXM, was created to be a non-addictive replacement to Codeine. While DXM is not addictive, most cough syrups contain other ingredients, such as Acetaminophen or Guaifenesin, which are extremely dangerous when taken in large amounts. Recreationally, DXM can have very powerful effects, ranging from euphoria, elevated mood, dissociation, dream-like states, and increased awareness.Some other effects which may or may not be considered good, depending on the person, include disorientation, confusion, altered perception of time, decreased sexual functioning, and hallucinations. Many people consider the state to being drunk and stoned at the same time, and higher doses can greatly impair memory, language and judgment. Using this drug is often referred to as “robo-tripping”.8. Doxylamine (Unisom)
Doxylamine, which often goes under the trade name Unisom, is an antihistamine. Normally, Doxylamine is used to treat allergies, and in some cases for its sedative effects, as a means to treat insomnia. It is sometimes mixed with Acetaminophen or Codeine, to be used as an analgesic. While it has perfectly valid uses and can be bought at any grocery store, it is abused occasionally by teens looking for a cheap legal high. Teenagers will abuse Doxylamine for its hallucinogenic properties, but it also makes them agitated and confused. It actually doesn’t sound exactly like a very fun high, but people try all kinds of stupid things. In large doses, it can be quite dangerous, resulting in prolonged agitation, seizures, and the occasional coma.7. Tramadol
Tramadol is not an opioid; however, it affects the brain in a very similar way. It acts as an analgesic, and has opiate agonist activity, which gives people a feeling similar to opioids, though it is not as strong. It is often abused by recovering addicts, or people looking for a more easily-obtainable high similar to heroin, or other synthetic opioids such as Vicodin. Tramadol enjoys a very unique legal status. While it is considered a prescription drug, it is not federally scheduled, and has only been scheduled in a few US states. What this means is that, while one is supposed to have a prescription to purchase Tramadol, it is perfectly legal to posses the drug without a prescription in most of the United States.6. Kava
Kava is an herb that comes from the Pacific Islands, where the islanders have been using it medicinally for a very long time. They crush the herb and use it to make a tea-like beverage, which is supposed to be relaxing, but also consumed as part of tradition among the islanders. Apart from its relaxing effects, or its use in tribal medicine, it has recently developed some popularity in the Western world, where it is still very legal to buy and use. While low-to-moderate doses of Kava give one a sense of euphoria, relaxation, or general well-being, higher doses can cause hallucinations. It is also believed by scientists that chronic use can cause yellow skin discoloration, drowsiness, ataxia, liver damage, and malnutrition, none of which sound very fun at all.5. Kratom
Kratom, referred to in scientific literature as Mitragyna Speciosa, is a plant native to Southeast Asia. This plant is from the same family as coffee, and is often used medicinally to relieve pain. However, it has gained recent popularity in the United States for its psychoactive properties. It is currently unregulated, and can easily be bought at online or at certain “herbal supplement” stores. The powder or leaves are usually ingested in a tea-like preparation, or smoked; sometimes it is also ingested orally. A few grams of this substance can give someone a high for two to three hours. While it was originally used medicinally, it has been banned in its native Thailand, due to the abuse of the plant. Watch out, this plant is considered highly addictive.4. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
Diphenhydramine usually goes by the trade name Benadryl; it is marketed to deal mainly with allergies, but is also often used as a sedative when people are having trouble sleeping. It has some popularity among recreational drug users, due to its affect as a deliriant. When recreational users take a high dose, they can expect such symptoms as drowsiness, fatigue, disturbed coordination, dizziness, blurred vision, confusion, and hallucinations, which are somehow considered positive things by recreational users. The drug is quite dangerous in very high doses, especially if done regularly. There are many, much worse, side effects, such as fever, hypotension, seizures, convulsions, atheotosis, gastrointestinal symptoms, deep coma, and death. If you are just taking one occasionally for its intended use you should be fine, but regular abuse of this drug is very bad for your heart.3. Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
Dimenhydrinate is a drug that most of you probably know as Dramamine, and is mainly used to combat motion sickness. It is also a deliriant, and is popular among recreational drug users for the audio and visual hallucinations that it provides in high doses. Setting it apart from its cousin Diphenhydramine, it is reported to also have a euphoric effect, along with the hallucinations. It is not only abused by recreational users, but also by psychiatric patients, though in their case it is for self-treating anxiety and the like, not for recreation. Like Diphenhydramine, this drug is not good for you in large doses, and can be very bad for the long-term health of your GI tract and heart.2. Propylhexedrine (Benzedrex)
Propylhexedrine is the active drug in a nasal spray called Benzedrex, and it originally replaced amphetamine sulfate as the active ingredient years back due to abuse. Unfortunately, Propylhexedrine is also capable of abuse. Recreational users have been known to use some sort of extraction process to gain crystals from it, and it has hence earned the nickname “stove top speed,” due to the effect that it has on people. The drug is contained in a cotton rod inside the nasal inhaler, and some users simply eat the cotton rod instead of bothering with extraction. It then gives them a high similar to weak amphetamines. It is important to note, however, that this is very much a situation of “don’t try this at home.” This drug can be very dangerous; many cases of reported use involved psychosis, myocardial infarction, pulmonary, vascular disease, pulmonary hypertension, and sudden death. Many of these dangerous side effects are likely caused by the fact that the drug is a vasoconstrictor, and greatly raises your blood pressure.1. Oxymetazoline (Afrin)
Oxymetazoline is a drug used in a widely-used commercial nasal spray called Afrin. It does not have a particularly strong high, and is instead more likely to cause psychosis in those who use it, some of whom have reported recurring hallucinations. What makes this drug noteworthy is just how addicting it is. Doctors have found that those hooked on it simply cannot function without the drug. The packaging for Afrin tells you not to use the drug for more than a few days at a time; the reason for this is that, if used for too long, it actually causes the inner part of the nose to swell up. In essence, using it too much defeats the purpose of decongesting your nose, and makes you constantly reliant on more nasal spray, so that you can breathe. Don’t pick up this habit, unless you want nasal inhalers scattered all over your home, car, and workspace.
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
10 Meaningless Political Facts That Are Totally Amazing
1. Your undies might be able to predict economic recovery
2. Miniskirts, too, can be the sign of a good economy
The Men’s Underwear Index is an economic indicator used most notably by former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan to determine the end of economic slumps. Economists say that, as people have more money to spend on non-essential purchases, men (and women) purchase more underwear. While considered by most to be a necessity, underwear has a tendency to hang around past its shelf life during lean years. A surge in spending can give notice that a turnaround is imminent.
The Hemline Index, postulated by economist George Taylor in 1926, maintains that hemlines on women’s dresses and skirts rise with the price of stocks. This is based on the increased popularity of miniskirts in good economies, such as the 1960s, while during bad economic periods such as 1929 and the 1930s, hems can plunge almost immediately. Recent research by the Econometric Institute at the Erasmus School of Economics confirms the correlation, citing that while many hemlines nowadays have stayed high, there has also been a movement in fashion to lower hemlines below the knees.3. Lefties are likelier leaders
Six out of the last 12 US Presidents have been left-handed, and successful politicians, such as John McCain and Ross Perot, in general are more likely to be southpaws than is the rest of the population, which is only 10 percent lefties. Many regard this as pure coincidence, but Daniel Geschwind, a professor of human genetics at UCLA, told The Guardian in 2008, “Six out of the past 12 presidents is statistically significant and probably means something.” Handedness scientist Amar Klar, says that left-handed people “have a wider scope of thinking,” pointing to the disproportionate level of left-handedness in Nobel Prize winners in a 2008 ABC News article.4. Size does matter (in presidential politics)
Since the end of World War II, the taller of the two main party candidates has won the presidential election 75 percent of the time. After tallying up the results from each election, researchers at Texas Tech University determined that Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush are the only presidents in the post-war period to have defeated taller rivals. The findings, published in Social Science Quarterly by Gregg Murray and David Schmitz point to the “big man” tribal leadership of many ancient societies, as well as the impact of physical strength on status in the animal kingdom, as the likely reason for this phenomenon.5. Forget the first Tuesday of November; the president is decided on October 31st
Halloween may be more of a mirror for political opinion than previously thought. Since 1996, the presidential candidate whose likeness sells the most Halloween masks has won the election. CNN Money reported that this trend continued in 2012 as the Barack Obama mask outsold Mitt Romney masks 60 to 40 percent prior to Halloween, according to the popular Halloween outlet Spirit Halloween.6. Nearly one-tenth of all U.S. presidents lost the popular vote
Four times in US history, the man inaugurated as president was the candidate who garnered fewer votes. Owing to the vagaries of the electoral college, John Quincy Adams (1824), Rutherford B. Hayes (1876), Benjamin Harrison (1888) and George W. Bush, who lost the popular vote by 500,000 votes in 2000, were all elected president despite loss of the overall vote.7. The US was a dictatorship in the ’70s
For two years, the U.S. was led by a president and vice president who were not elected by American citizens. In 1973, President Richard Nixon’s Vice President, Spiro Agnew, resigned after pleading no contest to a charge that he had failed to report income received in 1967. Nixon then appointed Gerald Ford as VP. When Nixon resigned ignominiously following the Watergate scandal in 1974, Ford became president and appointed Nelson Rockafeller as his veep.8. Our presidential accounting is off
While the U.S. counts Barack Obama as its 44th president, only 43 presidents have ever led the nation. President Grover Cleveland, due to his election to non-consecutive terms from 1885–1889 and 1893–1897, is counted as our 22nd and 24th president. So while there have been 44 presidencies, only 43 people have ever held the office.9. America is its most presidentially stable since 1825
Obama’s reelection in 2012 marked America’s third consecutive stretch of two-term presidents. While this might not seem like much, you’d have to go back about 200 years to find the last such three-peat represented by Presidents Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe.10. The Washington Redskins control the presidency (usually)
In a classic case of odd correlations, the Redskins Rule states that the last Washington Redskins home game played prior to a presidential election has a high likelihood of predicting the results. In a formula that has been accurate in every election from 1940 to 2000 (with exceptions in 2004 and 2008), the winner of the game has aligned with the winner of the election. When the Redskins win, the incumbent party gains the electoral vote. When they lose, the non-incumbent party wins the vote. The trend was first noticd prior to the 2000 elections by Steve Hirdt, executive vice president of the Elias Sports Bureau. He later amended this rule after the 2004 election, saying, “When the popular vote winner does not win the election, the impact of the Redskins game on the subsequent presidential election gets flipped.” With this knowledge in hand, you can enter, loins girded, the political theater of battle that so often marks the holidays. Uncle Rob will praise your worldliness, while Aunt Mary will praise the value of your political science degree in a declining market.
Monday, February 23, 2015
10 Bizarre Disney Facts & Oddities
Whether you’re at Disneyland or any of the other theme parks, everywhere you look there are Mickey Mouse Ears. And no, not the merchandise ears. From the shape of the pizza to the hedges to the ears hidden in the tiles, Mickey’s iconic ears are everywhere thanks to Walt’s desire to add to the magic of the kingdom.9. The first soundtrack
Long before “Saturday Night Fever” was the big hit of the 70s, an animated feature about a wooden puppet and its maker yielded the first soundtrack for sale to the general public. Since the start with “Steamboat Willie” and its use of music, Disney projects have made music an integral part of the process. So soundtracks, and consequently making money off of them, were only a natural extension.8. Oscars
By the 2008 Academy Awards, Walt Disney’s company had been nominated for more than 200 Oscars with more than 50 wins just in films under the Disney logo. Of those films, there are 51 nominations for animated features with 14 wins. With Pixar under the Ears, that amount close to doubles with 13 Oscar wins for Pixar. Disney will likely continue to tack on more wins since it has distributed all of the major film releases for Pixar and bought the company two years ago. As for dear old Walt, he holds the record for most Oscars with 22 in regular categories and four honorary out of his 59 nominations.7. Facial hair
Back in the 60s, long hair and facial hair was considered to be a sign of hippies, which the empire could not afford to be associated with. Hence a policy was born requiring all male employees to have short hair and no facial hair at the theme parks. It took until 2000 for the theme parks to renege on the policy. Now male employees are allowed to have neatly trimmed moustaches.
6. DDD
Talk about keeping quiet. Disney employees are expressly prohibited from dating other Disney employees – hence Don’t Date Disney. A former employee of Disneyland let the cat out of the bag on that policy years ago when he tattled to “LA Magazine” about his time as Jack Sparrow. Unfortunately, someone took a photo of him and his then girlfriend, an Ariel, and showed it to the higher ups, who were displeased. However, it was going to the premiere of “Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End,” doing an interview in costume, giving his full name, and the interview being posted online that got his Ears taken away. At the same time, park employees are discouraged from trying to “excite” members of the opposite sex and to ignore any flirtation from guests. Tough luck, Jack, no lasses or goatee for you!
5. Rigid control of trademarks
Years ago, Disney promised that the corporation would sue three daycare centers in Florida for having five-foot tall painted depictions of Disney characters. The characters were replaced, but that is just one example of how Disney holds its trademarks close to the chest. In another case, a Florida couple was sued for a cool million when they advertised Eeyore, Tigger and Pooh outfits that they had available for parties. The couple sent the costumes back to the Peru ebay seller, which prompted Disney to say the couple acted in bad faith. No honey for you!4. The Vault
Included in that rigid control of their trademarks is the vaunted Disney Vault. Disney started theatrically re-releasing movies seven years after they were originally released after “Snow White and the Seven Dwarves.” Since then, the home movie craze hit and with the advent of DVDs, the Vault is only reopened once every 10 years. Supposedly this is a ploy to get new generations of children interested in the movies. Or like any business, it could just be a way to make more money.
3. It’s a big, big Walt Disney World
Located entirely within its own improvement district – the Reedy Creek Improvement District of Lake Buena Vista, Fla. – Walt Disney World with its main attractions and resorts is twice the size of Manhattan. Every day, the guests of the resorts use an amount of linens that would take a normal person 40 years to clean. Supposedly the landscaping crew puts over a half a million miles on the mowers covering the 47 miles of WDW throughout the year. In the last seven years, a water saving effort has taken place at the theme parks, which has meant a savings of about 2.5 billion gallons of water. Who said it was a “small, small world?”2. Fatal Rides
There have been about a dozen deaths in Disneyland California since the park opened in 1955 while there have been at least as many at Disney World and at least one at the Paris Disneyland. Some of these fatalities were due to adverse reactions from the guests, but many of the deaths were the fault of the guests who were not heeding directions. When they say don’t stand up in a roller coaster, there’s a reason. Photo: Floyka, Artists: Sophia Chadez and Brad Chadez
1. Walt’s Apartment
Because Walt wanted to ensure that everything would be as magical as possible when Disneyland was being built in the early 50s, he had an apartment built in the theme park, which was an hour from where he lived in California. Employees would know when he was in the apartment, above the fire station on Main Street USA, when the light was on in the window at night. To this day, more than 45 years after his death, a light is left on in the window in his memory and supposedly the room has been left untouched since he passed away. Perhaps Mickey’s Ears are not the only things you could ever see at Disneyland.
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